Principal's Message

‘Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think’. Albert Einstein.

It is rightly said ‘education is a life long journey which expands as we travel’. Learning is process which enable us to travel to our destination. Education is a lifelong learning process. The very purpose of learning is to make our minds strong and stable to face the challenges of life. It’s rightly said by John Milton in ‘the paradise lost, ‘the mind is its own place, and in itself can man make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven’.

Shaping young mind is one of the biggest challenges in this hi-tech modern age. We aim to empower our students to excellence through endeavour with strong, open and discerning minds with a global vision and broad mind-set of understanding of learning to live together.

We, the CMI board of educators are holding the rich heritage of excellence and academic performance from the inspiration of our founding Father St.Kuriakose Elias Chavara. In short our mission is to enhance every student to excel in his/her journey of life.

God bless.

Fr. K C Joseph CMI